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문화인류학자 에드워드 홀의 '숨겨진 차원'에서 영감을 얻어 공적-사적-개인적 거리를 몸으로 구현한다. 0cm에서 나는 당신을 이해할 수 있을까?
제작: 컬쳐컬러무용단
안무: 김수화
출연: 김수화, 복소진
장소: 서울탄츠스테이션 스튜디오A
길이: 10분
0 cm(2018)
09.15-09.26. 2018
Production:Culture Color dance company
Choreographer: Suhwa Kim
Performers: Suhwa Kim, Sojin Bok
Duration: 10mins
@Seoul Tanz Station, Seoul, South Korea
@Korea National University of Arts, Seocho Campus, Seoul, South Korea

'0 centimeter' is about Physical distance and Psychological distance.

Inspired by a book 'The hidden dimension', written by Edward T. Hall
-which defined distances as individual, social, public distances

If two bodies are in 0 centimeter,
do I _________ you?
I want to go through all your body to understand you.


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